Posted 08 Feb 2021

Britain at its Best: The Daily Mail visits Shrewsbury

With its half-timbered buildings, medieval walls and Grade II-listed bridge, Charles Darwin's home town of Shrewsbury has undergone a glorious evolution and inspires the Daily Mail on the lead up to the DarwIN Shrewsbury Festival
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"Darwin boarded at Shrewsbury School from 1818. The small square in front of the original school building is home to a statue of him — but he sits with his back to the entrance. He did not much care for his schooldays. Indeed, his teachers branded him ‘an average student’.

There’s nothing average about Shrewsbury, however. Today, the medieval passageways (known locally as shuts) and cobbled streets of the town centre are home to intriguing independent boutiques and cosy coffee shops."

Read the full feature from the Daily Mail here.

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