Posted 20 Feb 2020

Relocate to Shropshire

Having seen how great Shropshire is and its county town of Shrewsbury, perhaps you're thinking how great it would be to live here, work here or even base your business here?
Relocate to shropshire

A net influx of more than a thousand 30 – 44 year-olds moving into the county each year is changing the dynamic and is further enabling a lively, vibrant well-networked business community.

Drawn to great private and state schools, low crime levels and a central location in easy reach of Birmingham and Manchester whilst offering great value for money housing, more often a third cheaper than the south east. This is boosting an already established high quality independent shop, pub, restaurant and leisure offer that provides unique experiences often found in city-living locations.

An increase in the hospitality, tourism and leisure market, alongside growth in creative and knowledge sectors is evidence of a growing number of business owners, creatives and entrepreneurs attracted to town and more rural living. Many no longer feel the need to be city-based making our towns Meccas for those wanting a high quality of life for them, their families and their businesses.

Find out more on the Invest Shropshire website

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