Posted 11 Dec 2022

The Times heads to Shrewsbury for a festive getaway

Glittering lights, independent shops and timber-fronted houses: The Times discovers that Shrewsbury is the place to embrace the Christmas Spirit.
Dec 22 big

"Festive lights hang across streets bustling with people... I had a glorious time shopping and dipping into coffee bars for cappuccinos with divine cakes...

We started at Wyle Cop, which has the longest row of uninterrupted independent shops in the UK, picking up some bubbly at Tanners, the old wine merchants, then trying on clothes in Ella Cru and Oberon...

Shrewsbury also has an amazing Market Hall... Inside we were welcomed by the aroma of mulled wine. Off the main street there are some great vintage stores; we even found a shop selling moonshine...

If you get fed up with shopping or walking, there is also an hour-long cruise along the river. Shrewsbury has one of the nicest museums, as well as the Flaxmill, the world’s first iron-framed building, the grandfather of the skyscraper..."

Click here to read the full article from The Times.

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