Posted 23 May 2023

Shrewsbury's Safe Places

Safe Places provides a network of short-term safe havens for people who require assistance and additional support when out and about in the community.
Floro lounge

Safe Places is a community-led initiative supported by Shropshire Council, Telford & Wrekin Council and West Merica Police.

The aim of ‘Safe Places’ is to provide vulnerable individuals with a number of places that they know they can go to and immediately receive support and understanding about their issues. This includes people with learning disabilities or those who live with anxiety attacks or dementia.

Live & Work

Barclays Bank

Barclays is one of the world's biggest banks, and was founded in the 17th century. In the UK alone, more than 15 million people and businesses…

Open Today 9:30AM - 4:30PM

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Live & Work

Castle Carpets

Castle Carpets is a family run business that has established an excellent reputation for providing quality carpets, rugs and other flooring. The…

Open Today 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Eat & Drink

Floro Lounge

Floro Lounge in Shrewsbury is a home-from-home, offering delicious food and drinks, all day, on your doorstep. You can’t miss the fabulous…

Open Today 9:00AM - 12:00AM

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Eat & Drink

Ginger & Co. Coffee Shop

We are an independent coffee shop eatery located in the Square on Princess Street. We pride ourselves on making everything in-house and sourcing our…

Open Today 8:30AM - 4:00PM

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Home Essentials

Home Essentials on Castle Street Shrewsbury is the charity shop arm of the Shrewsbury Furniture Scheme, a local charity which opened in 1994,…

Open Today 9:30AM - 4:30PM

Marie Curie

Marie Curie

Marie Curie is a UK charity which cares for terminally ill people and their families. Marie Curie currently operates around 180 charity shops…

Open Today 9:30AM - 5:00PM

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Live & Work


Natwest was established in 1968 by a merger of National Provincial Bank and Westminster Bank and is one of the largest banks in the UK. It offers…

Open Today 9:30AM - 4:30PM

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Eat & Drink

Old Market Hall

Built in 1596, Shrewsbury's iconic Old Market Hall was lovingly restored and re-opened as a contemporary cinema and cafe bar in 2004. The intimate…

Open Today 10:00AM - 9:00PM

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Set in the historic town of Shrewsbury, Oxfam High Street is home to fabulous second-hand clothes including an amazing designer rail, classic…

Open Today 9:30AM - 5:00PM

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See & Do

The Sabrina Boat: River Tours of Shrewsbury

Join the Sabrina Boat and take in the beauty of Shrewsbury as you take a daytime cruise past the stunning Quarry Park and the town’s historic…

Open Today 11:00AM - 5:00PM

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Scope exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else. The charity provides support,…

Open Today 9:00AM - 5:00PM

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See & Do

Shrewsbury Library

Shrewsbury Library is a busy lending library situated in a Grade I listed building in Castle Gates. The library offers a fantastic range of fiction…

Open Today 9:30AM - 5:00PM

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See & Do

Shrewsbury Unitarian Church

Shrewsbury's Unitarian Church is a beautiful Grade II listed building overlooking the town's High Street. The Church is open Tuesday - Thursday,…

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See & Do

The Cut Visitor Centre, Shropshire Wildlife Trust

The Shropshire Wildlife Trust Visitor Centre and Shop, or The Cut, is a beautiful arrangement of buildings and garden situated near Shrewsbury…

Open Today 10:00AM - 4:00PM

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See & Do

St Chad's Church

St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury occupies a prominent position in the county town of Shropshire. The current church building was built in 1792, and with…

Open Today 8:00AM - 4:00PM

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Eat & Drink

Stop. Coffee Shop

Located at St Julian's Crescent and run by local couple Mike and Nicola Dalton. There is a real emphasis on quality and the use of local produce at…

Open Today 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Shrewsbury ark charity shop

Shrewsbury Ark Shop

The Shrewsbury Ark Charity Shop opened on Castle Street in 2014, where any clothes or household items that are donated to the Ark are either offered…

Open Today 10:00AM - 4:00PM

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The Blue Lemon

Jorg and Jenny Muschner are The Blue Lemon and they have been making soaps and skincare in the Midlands for over 6 years. They have a fantastic shop…

Open Today 10:00AM - 5:00PM

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Eat & Drink

The Gateway

The Gateway, Shrewsbury is a purpose built centre for education and the arts. It was the magnificent gift of the Roy Fletcher Trust, opened by the…

Open Today 9:00AM - 4:00PM

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See & Do

The Hive

The Hive is an arts and entertainment venue, as well as a charity working with vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. Offering a varied…

Open Today 10:00AM - 5:00PM

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See & Do

Theatre Severn

Theatre Severn is Shropshire's premier arts venue. Home to a 650-seat auditorium, 250-seat studio theatre, dance studio and restaurant. Opened in…

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Live & Work

University Centre Shrewsbury

University Centre Shrewsbury is a distinctive institution, focused on high-quality teaching and research, fostering entrepreneurship, contributing to…

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White Orchard

White Orchard is a beautiful gift shop, located in the beautiful timber-framed building of Abbots House on Butcher Row, in the heart of historic…

Open Today 10:00AM - 5:00PM

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Write Here

Write Here! is full of surprises. Rumour has it that there's been a shop on this site for 800 years, and the present incarnation is Write Here! Write…

Open Today 9:30AM - 5:00PM

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